
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao conducted a written interview with several media outlets about the current trade conflict between China and the United States.

Mr. Ambassador, the recent meeting of the leaders of China and the United States during the G20 summit in Osaka was in the focus of attention of the whole world. Please tell us the background of this meeting, as well as the key moments of the meeting itself.

– From 28 to 29 June 2019 in Osaka (Japan) The XIV G20 Leaders ‘ Summit was held. President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping took part in this summit for the seventh time in a row, clearly demonstrating that China attaches great importance to cooperation within the G20 and global economic governance.

Currently, unilateralism and protectionism have hit the international economic order hard, and the risks and uncertainties facing the world economy have increased markedly. As the second largest economy in the world, China has long made an important contribution to promoting the development of the world economy, optimizing global governance and responding to external threats, as well as playing a constructive role as a responsible global power.

On the sidelines of the summit, President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Donald Trump. The two heads of state exchanged their views on fundamental issues related to the development of Sino-American relations and the current bilateral trade conflict, as well as on international and regional issues of mutual interest. Thanks to this meeting, the tone was set for the development of bilateral relations for the next stage, the leaders agreed to promote Sino-American relations focused on coordination, cooperation and stability.

Please comment on the results of this meeting.

– The most important consensus reached by the two heads of state at the last meeting was that both sides agreed to direct Sino-American relations to coordination, cooperation and stability. The parties announced the resumption of trade and economic consultations on the basis of equality and mutual respect, that the American side will no longer levy new duties on imported Chinese goods. The trade and economic teams of the two countries will discuss specific issues. These important agreements send positive and positive signals to the international community and world markets.

The 40-year experience of diplomatic relations between China and the United States tells us that peace leads to mutual benefit, and confrontation leads to the loss of both sides, cooperation is better than conflict, and dialogue is better than confrontation. The interests of the two countries are closely intertwined, and the scope of cooperation is as wide as ever. China and the United States should avoid the pitfalls of so-called confrontation and seek mutual assistance and common development. The essence of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries is mutual benefit and mutual benefit, any differences between the parties should ultimately be resolved through equal dialogue and consultations.

How do you see the prospects for resuming trade and economic consultations between China and the United States?

– Recently, the aggravation of trade and economic conflicts caused by the American side has been considered as one of the most serious risks in the global economy. Beijing and Washington held 11 rounds of trade negotiations, there were both successes and failures. The position of the Chinese side is quite clear, if Washington is ready to conduct equal negotiations, then Beijing’s door is open at any time, but if it resorts to maximum pressure, then China will have nothing left but to resist to the end.

As the previous multiple Sino-American trade and economic consultations have shown, the two countries still have a long way to go to overcome their differences and reach a trade agreement. Whatever the prospects for negotiations, the fact that both sides have finally returned to the track of dialogue and consultations has once again demonstrated that tariff increases and a trade war are the way to nowhere.

Despite the fact that there are still various contradictions and disagreements in relations between China and the United States, we have reason to believe that if the parties, based on the consensuses reached by the heads of state, grasp the right direction, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, they will settle their differences on the basis of mutual respect and find solutions to other existing and future problems of interstate relations for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries and the interests of the whole world.

President Xi Jinping said at the G20 summit that ” at present, China’s economy is stable, the GDP growth rate has remained in a reasonable corridor for many years: 6% and above. China will continue to take several more important measures aimed at creating a new situation of external openness and high-quality development.” What opportunities will Kazakhstan have in this case?

– At the G20 summit, President Xi Jinping announced that China will continue to open access to its market: agriculture, mining, and the service sector will become even more open. Imports will increase, the level of tariffs will decrease and non-tariff trade barriers will be eliminated, the institutional costs of imports will be significantly reduced, the second China International Import Exhibition will be held. In addition, more attention will be paid to improving the business environment, and new legislation on the protection of foreign investors will come into force on January 1 next year.

China is a major market for business circles of all countries, the implementation of the above would provide more opportunities and dividends to the international community, including Kazakhstan. Here I want to emphasize that the Sino-American trade and economic tensions will not affect the Sino-Kazakh relations and mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road”initiative in any way. The good dynamics of stable and successful development will continue. I am sure that no one can prevent the aspirations of China and Kazakhstan to be the first to start creating a community of a single destiny of humanity.

Under the wise leadership, China and Kazakhstan will fully implement the agreements of the leaders of the countries, intensify cooperation within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and strengthen the alignment of strategies, qualitatively implementing production capacity projects, attaching special importance to such areas as finance, agriculture, renewable energy, etc. I am convinced that the results of this cooperation will become available to our peoples.

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Number of shows: 1180