Today, a lot of very different information is being distributed about China, there are a lot of outright fakes and deliberate distortion of facts among these information flows. If you read the Western press, you may get the impression that the PRC is the most dangerous state on the planet, because a new coronavirus was discovered in one of its cities.

However, for some reason, the fact that the epidemiological crisis in China has already been overcome due to timely measures is not taken into account. Despite the fact that the coronavirus first appeared in China, this infection was also stopped in the same country for the first time, and the Chinese authorities were the first in the world to lift a full quarantine.

And there is no propaganda in this fact, this is the position of the World Health Organization ( Naturally, it is impossible to completely stop the new virus without a vaccine, so today local foci of infections appear in the People’s Republic of China, apparently the second wave has begun, the appearance of which was predicted earlier.

Today, the authorities of the country do not hide that new infected people are still appearing, information about various cases is openly published in the media. For example, you can find a regularly updated summary in English in the newspaper The Global Times (

However, the situation is under control, and we have already learned how to treat COVID-19 in principle. The Chinese shared their experience of treating the infection with Kazakhstan back in April this year (…/).

At the same time, Western propaganda, for its own reasons, reports completely different information (it seems that this is done to distract the attention of its own population from real internal problems and crises).

But, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times or, as in our case, to read. And therefore, for an objective understanding of the real state of affairs in our eastern neighbor, it is more effective to learn from our fellow citizens, rather than reading reports in biased foreign news.

And today there are about 700 Kazakhstanis in different cities on the territory of the People’s Republic of China. Many decided not to leave the country even at the peak of the epidemic and wait out the crisis. And, judging by the reports from China – all citizens of Kazakhstan as a whole have successfully survived the epidemic even at its peak and are currently not experiencing any problems.

A student from Kazakhstan named Kuralai tells about what it was like to be in the epicenter of the spread of the coronavirus and how the Chinese authorities ensured the safety of health and living conditions for the population in the video story. She is studying at a university in the capital of China and for her own reasons could not leave for her homeland.

During the entire period of quarantine, Kuralai, like all students, was safe on the university campus, where all students were given free masks, sanitizers, fruits, etc. As can be seen from the interview, during the difficult period of the crisis in China, no one divided people into their own or foreigners – everyone was treated equally, everyone had equal opportunities.

Such video stories from personal experience and from the first person best demonstrate what is really happening and how it affects society. This is the most effective response to the information hysteria that is being observed around COVID-19 today (…/koronavirus-net-net-net-xroniki-inf…/).

Experts say that today people are more vulnerable to COVID-19 than to other pandemics. It was in an attempt to stop this wave of information manipulation and fakes that China recently published its vision for incorrect publications and statements regarding the appearance of a new coronavirus (…/kitay-oproverg-24-mifa-o-prichastno…).

In general, this phenomenon is called infodemia (mass dissemination of incorrect or fictitious information) and is already perceived as a serious threat to peace and security, which is even more dangerous than the coronavirus itself-because infodemia affects people’s consciousness and therefore it is more difficult to stop it (


China Studies Centre,

Nur-Sultan, 2020

Number of shows: 1405