
In recent days, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao gave an interview to the Kazakh media on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance of the Chinese People to the Japanese invaders and the World Anti-Fascist War.

Question: This year marks the 75th anniversary of the victory of the victory in the War of Resistance of the Chinese People to the Japanese Invaders and the World Anti-Fascist War. On September 3, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders laid baskets of flowers in memory of the fallen war heroes. What does this anniversary mean for the peoples of China and the whole world?

Answer: On the morning of September 3, an event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory was held at the Museum of the War of Resistance of the Chinese People to the Japanese Invaders. Chinese President Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders attended the ceremony together with representatives of various circles of the country.

The Chinese Front is the main front in the East in the World Anti-Fascist War. After the Mukden incident, initiated by Japanese imperialism on September 18, 1931, the Chinese people began armed resistance to the aggressors, which preceded the World Anti-Fascist War. After 14 years of bloody struggle of the Chinese people, on September 2, 1945, the Japanese imperialists, who had reached an impasse, finally signed an act of surrender.
This marked the victory of the Chinese people over the malicious Japanese invaders, the protection of national independence and dignity, and the age-old shame after the Opium War of 1842 was washed away. The Chinese people have made a great contribution to the victory over the Fascist invaders and the maintenance of world peace.

Therefore, the date of September 3 was declared the victory day of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance to the Japanese Invaders. At the same time, this day is also a symbol of the fact that the whole world has suppressed the evil attempts of the German, Italian and Japanese fascists to conquer the world and enslave the peoples of all countries, having won the final victory in the war.

Question: How did the peoples of China and Kazakhstan jointly fight in the world anti-fascist war?

Answer: The Chinese and Kazakh peoples fought side by side in the anti-fascist war, they were united by a great military friendship. During the War of Resistance of the Chinese People to the Japanese Invaders, the Soviet Union provided China with a large number of weapons and material assistance, and also sent military advisers and experts to directly support the Chinese people, including many Kazakhstani fighters.
At the same time, many outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese people shed blood and sweat, and even gave their precious lives for the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. In August 1945, the Soviet Red Army sent troops to Northeast China, defeating the million-strong Japanese Kwantung Army, destroying the illusions of the Japanese about the conquest of the mainland, which served as an important factor in forcing the enemy to finally surrender.

On December 3 last year, I presented a commemorative medal in honor of the 70th anniversary of the formation of the People’s Republic of China to Nikolai Mikhailovich Vozov, a veteran of Kazakhstan, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung army. Many Kazakhstani fighters like him participated in this great battle as part of the Soviet Red Army. Some of them died on the battlefield, giving their precious lives for the independence and freedom of the Chinese people. The Chinese people will never forget them.

Question: The war took place 75 years ago. Why do we still have to celebrate this day?

Answer: In commemoration of this day, as President Xi Jinping noted, ” We honor this historic day not to perpetuate hatred, but to learn from its experience and look to the future, so that we all cherish and maintain peace together.”
Over the past 75 years, global peace and stability in general have been maintained, new world wars have been avoided, and many local conflicts have been brought under control. Human society has reached unprecedented heights in the field of development. At the same time, we must understand that at present, stability and development around the world are still facing many challenges.

In recent years, a small number of countries have slandered and distorted the history of the Second World War. Some powers openly adhere to the policy of “their own country first”, bringing selfishness, unilateralism and bullying to extremes, withdraw from international organizations and violate international agreements, undermining international law and the basic norms of international relations, and even tried to drag the world into the era of confrontation and conflicts of the cold war.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, some politicians follow double standards and try their best to transfer the “black cauldron” of ineffective fight against the epidemic to other countries. All this poses a serious threat to world peace and development.
“Past experience is a good lesson for the future.” Peaceful life is given by hard work and requires the joint care of the peoples of all countries, including China and Kazakhstan.
In this regard, as eternal comprehensive strategic partners and friendly neighbors, China and Kazakhstan should firmly defend multilateralism, jointly preserve international impartiality and justice, clearly advocate for the international system with the United Nations as the core and the international order based on international law, for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, oppose any approach of unilateralism and intimidation.

At the same time, both countries should join efforts to combat the epidemic, strengthen exchange and cooperation in the field of medicine and healthcare, jointly build the “Silk Road of Health”, promote the unity of the international community in the fight against coronavirus and create a community of healthy humanity. The trend of historical progress cannot be stopped.

China and Kazakhstan are fully capable of contributing to peace and development around the world, taking the first step in creating a community of a single destiny of humanity and taking care of the only home of all mankind – the Earth.


Number of shows: 1300