Today, May 22 , 2024, in Astana, the very unique event has taken place – a seminar dedicated to the topics of science and technology in modern China. The event was organized by the China Studies Centre in Astana and the KazEvent company. The organizers of the event hosted their guests and participants of the seminar at the Beijing Palace Hotel.


The ongoing seminar has attracted notable experts from various industries, distinguished scientific figures, representatives from academic communities, and professionals from industrial companies dedicated to advancing new technologies. Additionally, participants have engaged in discussions covering topics such as the intricacies of the construction market economics, the adoption of new industrialization models, and other crucial aspects influencing the advancement of science and technology in the Chinese context. This seminar offers a distinctive platform to analyze real-world industrialization cases through the perspectives and expertise of both Kazakh and Chinese specialists.


The seminar commenced with an opening address delivered by Gulnar Shaimergenova, Director of the China Studies Centre. In her capacity as the Head of the organizing entity, she extended a warm welcome to all attendees, expressing appreciation to the co-organizers and participants for their keen interest in the subject matter. The Director Shaimergenova conveyed her optimism that the Seminar would serve as a pivotal forum for the exchange of insights and perspectives among all attendees, enabling them to derive maximum value from the examination of successful case studies, discern critical success factors, and chart avenues for future research endeavors.


The development of science and technology in the modern world plays a huge role in people’s lives. New technologies and scientific discoveries help us develop, improve and progress in all areas of our lives, which not only improves the quality of life of people, but also provides the opportunity to solve complex problems such as climate change, fighting diseases, eliminating poverty, etc. Thus, technology plays an important role in the economy. Modern production and management methods make it possible to improve the efficiency of enterprises, reduce costs and increase competitiveness in the global market. Thanks to new technologies, our products and services are becoming more accessible and of higher quality. The transport sector is also actively using new technologies. This improves road safety, reduces pollution and improves vehicle efficiency. For example, electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, reducing emissions and reducing dependence on oil. The modern world is also impossible without the development of information technology. The Internet, social networks, mobile devices and other means of communication are an integral part of our lives. They allow us to quickly receive and transmit information, communicate with friends and colleagues, work remotely, and much more”, noted the Director of the Center. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the strategic significance of fostering positive neighborly relations. Kazakhstan places considerable emphasis on the principles of good neighborliness in its interactions with China, acknowledging the value of a sustainable and mutually advantageous neighborhood. Relations founded upon mutual respect and parity foster the consolidation of peaceful and stable bonds between the two nations. Such relations facilitate the effective resolution of shared challenges, foster the advancement of trade and economic collaboration, investment endeavors, and cultural interchange, thereby safeguarding mutual advancement and prosperity.


Today, China not only leads in the production of many technologies, but is also actively developing new scientific directions, opening up ways to solve complex global problems such as climate change, sustainable development and disease control. As you know, two days ago there was a meeting between the President of the country Kassym- Jomart Tokayev with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi, during which the Head of State emphasized the extremely important role of Chinese diplomacy in world politics. According to him, Chinese initiatives shape the global agenda and make a significant contribution to maintaining international peace and stability. He called China a recognized leader in many areas, including production and export of goods, technological innovation, economic growth, international investment, etc. Kazakhstan attaches priority importance to strengthening good neighborliness, friendship and an eternal comprehensive strategic partnership with China. This fully meets the fundamental interests of our peoples, and also contributes to peace and stability in the region”, – the Director of the Center emphasized.


In response, Ms. Xing Fangfang, the esteemed High-ranking Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan, extended cordial salutations to the attendees and participants of the seminar.


Overall, the seminar held considerable practical significance. Undoubtedly, the workshop facilitated the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge and innovative solutions, thereby enhancing comprehension of China’s strategies for scientific and technological advancement. Dr. Erkin Baidarov, a distinguished Doctor of Philosophy and Professor, serving as the Chief Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R. B. Suleimenov under the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science, inaugurated the seminar with the initial presentation entitled “Development of the scientific and technological complex of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of the modernization strategy“.


During his address, the speaker elucidated various facets of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) developmental trajectory within the framework of its reform policies and scientific and technological advancement initiatives. The Professor articulated his perspective that China’s scientific and technological strategy prioritizes applied research, innovation, and the advancement of fundamental science. This strategic orientation has enabled the nation to curtail its reliance on imports and emerge as a global leader in science and technology. Kazakhstan, as a steadfast strategic ally, actively seeks avenues to deepen collaboration with China across these pivotal domains. China remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies such as green industry, renewable energy, biotechnology, and quantum computing. These endeavors, aimed at enhancing production efficiency, fostering economic growth, establishing a contemporary industrial framework, and realizing pioneering scientific and technological initiatives, bolster China’s economic standing and establish new benchmarks in the global scientific and technological landscape. Such innovations not only propel China’s progress but also furnish novel concepts and resolutions for global scientific and technological advancement and address global challenges. “It should be noted that the successful implementation of the “policy of reform and opening up” over the past 45 years has returned the country to the path of revival, where Chinese science today is driven by young and ambitious physicists, chemists, technologists, biologists, mathematicians, programmers who have passed a strict selection in the American and European centers and laboratories. As a result, this has led to the fact that modern China is the largest scientific and technological center that has switched to a new economic structure associated with innovation. It should be noted that the scientific and technological complex of China has clearly declared itself in the last quarter of a century: the country has literally burst into the ranks of world leaders. Modern achievements, potential and foreign assessments of Chinese science and technology are associated with the consistent implementation of the modernization strategy, comprehensive experience, where the institutional structure of Chinese science combines planning and coordination “from above” with competition and initiative of technology developers and industrial enterprises, a growing level of intellectual property protection property. In turn, a competitive and full-blooded organism relies on a powerful information system and strong scientific and technical diplomacy, which allows it to successfully confront external challenges”, – noted Erkin Ulanovich in his report.


Indeed, Cao Nenggang – researcher, Executive president of the Shenzhen Association for Chinese Studies and Cultural Development Zhongdao (China) introduced the seminar participants to modern research groups using Artificial Intelligence, which aroused considerable interest of the audience.


During her presentation, Associate Professor Dinara Dauen, who holds a position at the Department of Sinology within Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and serves as the Chairperson of the Association of Sinologists of Kazakhstan, provided an evaluation of critical facets concerning the modernization endeavors in education and science within China. Her assessment encompassed an analysis beginning with legislative measures and governmental directives, extending through to the ongoing process of internationalizing their educational framework and scientific inquiry. “The modern modernization of education and science in China is the result of the policy of reform and opening up. The unique experience of the rapid expansion of Chinese higher education and the impressive achievements of science over the past decade have attracted increasing attention from academic scholars both in China and abroad. In particular, it is obvious that any change in the history of China, which is a strategic partner of our country, will have an impact on our country as well. Therefore, the issue is very important and relevant for us” the Chairman of the Association of Sinologists of the country noted in her speech. The speaker also shared with the seminar participants several important aspects of the development of the education system and the reform of science and technology from a chronological perspective. “From the early days of the founding of New China, when 80% of the population was illiterate, until today, China has built the world’s largest education system, the popularization of education has expanded, and citizens’ access to education has greatly improved. According to the 2018 government work report, the average length of education of China’s working-age population has reached 10.5 years” shared Dinara Dauen.


Dr. Yanwei Wang, a Doctor of Science and Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry within the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences at Nazarbayev University, shared insights regarding computational materials science, highlighting China’s advancements in related scientific and technological domains, as well as the technological collaboration between China and Kazakhstan. Additionally, the speaker presented the accomplishments of his research team at Nazarbayev University, underscoring their commitment to nurturing young scientific talents in Kazakhstan alongside their scientific endeavors. Notably, the team recently achieved a significant milestone by developing a theoretical model aimed at predicting pressure during concrete pumping. This collaborative research effort, conducted in partnership with Nazarbayev University students, was published in the esteemed journal Cement and Concrete Research, marking the Kazakh team’s inaugural publication in this outlet. The study not only enhanced understanding of the process but also furnished valuable tools for engineering applications.


The discourse surrounding cooperation and camaraderie among alumni from higher education institutions in both nations received due attention. The enduring friendship among Chinese university graduates and their ongoing communication channels foster the exchange of knowledge, professional advancement, and the fortification of international scientific and business networks. In this vein, Jamilya Yeleusizova, President of the NGO “Friendship of University Alumni of the People’s Republic of China”, delved into the subject of the robust and collaborative relationship between Kazakhstan and China in the realms of science and technology, foreseeing substantial outcomes from this trajectory. Notably, Yeleusizova underscored the pivotal role of Chinese educational initiatives in driving this collaboration, attracting a growing number of Kazakh students. Indeed, since 2003, the enrollment of Kazakh students in Chinese institutions has surged by 750-fold. Concurrently, prominent Kazakhstani universities are establishing Chinese scientific laboratories, thereby fostering scientific and innovative growth within the country. These developments are facilitated by initiatives such as the One Belt, One Road project and are underpinned by a robust legal framework for cooperation, including agreements within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Kazakhstani youth representatives actively champion advancements in scientific relations, advocating for academic mobility, experience exchange, and internship programs. The conviction that collaborative efforts among scientists from both nations will address scientific and technical challenges while forging opportunities for synergizing innovative enterprises and academic institutions continues to gain momentum.


We, as representatives of Kazakhstani youth, fully support the development of relations between China and Kazakhstan in the scientific field, advocate for the implementation of academic mobility of students, exchange of experience, holding round tables and internships. I am confident that cooperation between scientists from the two countries will contribute to solving scientific and technical issues and will open up prospects for uniting innovative enterprises and universities”, noted Jamilya Yeleusizova, addressing representatives of the professional circles of both countries.


Businesses play a special role in technology development by investing in research and development, promoting innovation and accelerating the introduction of new products and solutions to the market, which ultimately stimulates the economic growth of any country. Thus, the special guest of the seminar was ZTE Kazakhstan, representing the technology development company of the People’s Republic of China. Wei Wei, General Director of ZTE Kazakhstan, provided several useful insights on the general topic, and the company’s Senior Technical Solutions Manager, Artem Puzin, gave a brief presentation on ZTE’s activities in Central Asia.


Kanat Abdilov, Head of the Department of Medical Law and Ethics, also took an active part in the Seminar. Doctor PhD. Medical University Astana. The speaker presented an extensive overview on the topic “Science and technology in China”, providing a detailed analysis of the achievements, investment policy of the PRC, government support for investment, existing industry challenges, and development prospects. “In general, China has great prospects for the development of innovation. The country actively invests in research and development, develops high-tech industries, supports start-ups and small businesses, improves intellectual property protection and develops international cooperation. These measures are helping China become a global leader in innovation and attracting the attention of international investors and partners. Science and technology play an important role in China’s economic development. The country has made significant progress in this area, but faces challenges that need to be addressed. However, thanks to investments, efforts and a strategic approach, China has every chance to become a world leader in the field of science and technology,” noted Mr. Kanat Abdilov.


Construction firms serve as linchpins in a nation’s industrialization and advancement endeavors, crafting the essential infrastructure pivotal for economic progress. Through the construction of factories, roads, bridges, and residential complexes, they foster urbanization and enhance living standards. Their operations catalyze growth across various sectors by generating employment opportunities and attracting investments. Among the attendees of the seminar were representatives from China Construction Sixth Bureau, a company esteemed in this realm. Lin Liguang as the Head, and Andrey Puzin serving as the Project Manager, showcased the latest methodologies and practices prevalent within the industry during the seminar, exemplifying the commitment to excellence demonstrated by such companies in Kazakhstan.


During his presentation, Daulet Bakytzhan, a very promising researcher affiliated with Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, underscored the significance of passenger rail transportation as a primary catalyst for the socio-economic advancement observed in contemporary China. “Today, an extensive passenger transportation infrastructure is an attribute of any developed country. Among all modes of transport, it is worth highlighting railway transport as the optimal one in terms of all its characteristics. Expansion of the railway transport network has been chosen as a strategic direction for the development of transport in China,” the researcher said in his report. Furthermore, the report offered a comprehensive examination of rail transportation encompassing both intercity and intracity routes. Of particular note were the high-speed trains deployed in intercity transit and the metro systems operational within the megacities of China. Concluding the report, instances of current collaborative prospects between Kazakhstan and China in the domain of passenger transportation were delineated.


Without any hesitation we may assume that the current trajectory of strategic relations between Kazakhstan and China holds paramount significance on the agenda of both nations. The conducted seminar stands as irrefutable evidence of this reality. Serving as a genuine forum for the scholarly and professional exchange of exemplary concepts and invaluable experiences, the seminar provided an unparalleled opportunity for direct engagement with subject matter experts. The interactive and dynamic format of the event facilitated active participation from numerous attendees keen on exploring Chinese science and technology within both practical and academic contexts.


Organizing a scientific and applied seminar themed “Science and Technology of China: Key Drivers of National Development” bears considerable practical significance for the professional communities of Kazakhstan. This initiative fosters enhanced comprehension of China’s strategic trajectories in scientific and technological advancement, facilitating the exchange of exemplary practices and innovative solutions. The involvement of esteemed experts and scholars nurtures competencies in high technologies, essential for the modernization of domestic science and industry. Moreover, the seminar serves as a catalyst for international collaboration, attracting investment and fostering conditions conducive to joint scientific endeavors. Consequently, this accelerates the advancement of knowledge-intensive sectors and enhances the nation’s competitiveness on the global stage.


The seminar culminated in a fruitful exchange of insights and knowledge, offering a wellspring of inspiration and fresh perspectives for all participants. The Center for China Studies meticulously facilitated an environment conducive to professional discourse and varied viewpoints, thereby fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange on the topics under discussion. This event serves as a potent linkage in the Kazakh-Chinese partnership chain, fortifying bonds and reaffirming mutual aspirations for progress.