Home Events Meeting with the Chinese Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) at the China Studies Centre (Kazakhstan)

Meeting with the Chinese Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) at the China Studies Centre (Kazakhstan)

Astana, October 31, 2023 – at 10:00 a.m., a meeting was held at the China Studies Centre (Kazakhstan) with representatives of the China Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS), an analytical center operating under the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.
In a recent meeting held at the heart of Kazakhstan’s China studies hub, lively discussions unfolded around the strides made in the Belt and Road Initiative and China studies in the country. This gathering wasn’t just a formal exchange of ideas – practical suggestions were tossed into the mix, creating an atmosphere ripe for collaboration.
Attendees delved into the nuances of the Belt and Road Initiative, dissecting its impact on Kazakhstan and exploring ways to enhance mutual understanding. It wasn’t just about policy talk; there were real, down-to-earth proposals on the table. The discussions also meandered into joint research projects, reflecting a shared commitment to unraveling the intricacies of the Belt and Road Initiative within the unique context of Kazakhstan.
“We thank our colleagues from CCCWS, as well as local experts for the productive and informative dialogue and express hope for long-term cooperation in resolving important issues in the name of interests of both countries,” said Gulnar Shaimergenova, Director of the China Studies Centre, thanking the meeting participants at the assembly.
To note, the meeting was attended by Jamilya Yeleusizova, Director of the Public Association “Friendship of University Alumni of the People’s Republic of China”, Erlan Kudys, Professor of the Department of Management at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, professor of PHD. The CCCWS delegation was represented by the following members: Qi Wei, Gao Lianjia, Huang Rui, and Yuan Shuai.
CCCWS founded in August 2010, and today plays a key role in the analysis of global party politics and is the very secretariat of the Silk Road Think Tanks Association (SRTA). The center’s primary research areas include the Belt and Road Initiative.
Silk Road Think Tank Association (SRTA) was established on April 8, 2015 by International Department of CPC Central Committee (IDCPC) jointly with Development Research Center of State Council (DRC), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), Peking University and Fudan University to promote the Belt and Road Initiative. China Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) serves as SRTA Secretariat. China Studies Centre is a member of Silk Road Think Tank Association since 2019.  
SRTA currently includes 160 Chinese research institutions studying the Belt and Road Initiative and over 122 foreign think tanks from countries along the Belt and Road. In the purpose of carrying forward Silk Road Spirit and serving Belt and Road Initiative, SRTA makes strategic judgment, policy analysis, project assessment and plays roles of platform builder, publicity window, policy advisor and service provider concerning the Belt and Road Initiative, while facilitating government policy-making, economic and trade cooperation, people-to-people bonds and prosperity in countries along the Belt and Road.
CCCWS advisors and researchers include influential foreign and Chinese policymakers, scholars and experts. The Center maintains close cooperation with major Chinese research institutions and more than 160 think tanks and research organizations in more than 60 countries across the globe.
The meeting with CCCWS representatives marked another significant stride in deepening the ties and conversations between Kazakhstan and China in the realm of analytical research. The meeting was a warm exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Number of shows: 15