Home Events Xinjiang in the Stream of History: Between Past and Future

Xinjiang in the Stream of History: Between Past and Future

Time:15 December, 2023 10:00 (Astana time)

Venue: Beijing Palace Soluxe Hotel Astana (offline and online ZOOM)

Organizer:     China Studies Center, Kazakhstan

China Studies Center have an honour to present newly published book named “Xinjiang in the Stream of History: Between Past and Future” to be held in Astana on 15th December at the Beijing Palace Soluxe Hotel Astana, 10:00 (Astana time).

The presentation of this book will be attended by representatives of think tanks, scientific institutions of Kazakhstan, China and Turkiye such as professors from L.N. Gumilev Eurasia National University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, experts from the Eurasian Association of International Studies, Turkish-Chinese Belt and Road Institute, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as researchers in the field of international relations, security and cooperation.

Today, Xinjiang, like thousands of years ago, again connects Asia with Europe through transport and logistics routes in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The project promotes the economic development of states along the Belt and Road, reviving the Great Silk Road and implementing the idea of a common destiny for humanity. This is especially important for the countries of Central Asia connected with the XUAR by a historical, cultural and civilizational community.

You can join online conference via below link:

ZOOM link:

Conference ID: 858 5980 0394

Access code: 123

Number of shows: 28