The 6th Chinese international imported EXPO will be held in Shanghai on November 5-10.

25.10.2023 Luo Shanshan, correspondent for People’s Daily.    The 6th Chinese international imported EXPO (hereinafter referred to as CIIE) will be held offline on November 5-10 in Shanghai /East China/. The upcoming exhibition is expected to host representatives from 154 countries, regions and international organizations. on her already registered more than 3,400 exhibiting enterprises and […]

Chinese industry shows strong recovery.

24.10.2023 Correspondents of the People’s Daily newspaper Wang Zheng, Liu Wenxin. In the first three quarters of this year, the added price large industrial enterprises China grew by 4% year on year, growth rates accelerated by 0.2 percentage points compared to first half a year China’s industrial production is growing steadily, the industry structure continues […]

The 3rd Belt and Road High-Level Forum on International Cooperation opens up brighter development prospects for participating countries.

23.10.2023 Correspondents of the People’s Daily newspaper Zhang Mengxu, Guan Kejian. On October 17-18, the 3rd High-Level Forum on International Cooperation within the Belt and Road initiative was successfully held in Beijing. The event was attended by representatives of 151 countries and 41 international organizations, the total number of registered participants exceeded 10 thousand people. […]

The joint construction of the Belt and Road sets humanity on the right path.

23.10.2023 “Heyin” column of the People’s Daily newspaper.    The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the principle of joint discussion, joint construction and sharing. Those, who refused to draw a dividing line through the prism of civilization, culture, social system and level of development, opened up a completely new path for the development […]

China is increasing space cooperation with foreign countries.

20.10.2023 Liu Yao In recent years, China has deepened cooperation with foreign partners in space exploration, making contributions to the peaceful exploration of outer space and promoting the progress of human civilization. BeiDou satellites operate continuously in space. Since the official launch of the BeiDou navigation satellite system more than three years ago, its application […]

Belt and Road Initiative is one of the most ambitious infrastructure mega projects of the modern world.

16.10.2023     China’s Belt and Road Initiative is one of the most ambitious infrastructure mega projects of the modern world.     We are proud that BRI was first announced in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. It is very symbolic that this year it is 10 years since BRI commencement, and last year Kazakhstan and China celebrated 30th […]


16.10.2023 For the first time, Shanghai International Biopharmaceutical Industry Week will be held outside of China. Shanghai delegation will visit Central Asian countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. In particular, expert group of the leading School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University will visit Republic of Kazakhstan. Experts in the field of medicine […]

China is both an initiator and an active participant in building a community with a shared future for humanity.

07.10.2023 “Heyin” column of the People’s Daily newspaper    China is not only the initiator, but also an active participant in the creation of a community with a shared future for humanity. To realize this goal, China has taken firm steps and practical actions over the past 10 years, including promoting high-quality construction of the […]

China promotes integrated development of transportation, energy, roads and cloud services.

28.09.2023 Zhang Siyong In the first half of 2023, China became the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of automobiles. New energy vehicles (NEVs) played a key role in achieving this remarkable result. The development of the NEV industry, the evolution of energy storage technologies, big data, cloud computing, smart and connected vehicles, and improvements […]

China protects cultural heritage and promotes mutual learning between civilizations.

27.09.2023 Han Kan. Protecting cultural heritage and passing it on to subsequent generations is the shared responsibility of humanity. There are currently 56 World Heritage Sites in China, including the Great Wall and Summer Palace in Beijing, the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang (Gansu Province, Northwestern China), the Yungang Caves (Shaanxi Province, North China), and the […]