Interaction between civilizations provides the strongest foundation for the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), while people-to-people diplomacy is the strongest driving force of this organization.



Since its establishment, SCO member states have deepened mutual learning between civilizations, strengthened good-neighborliness and friendship, enhanced connections between peoples, and practiced the «Shanghai Spirit,» which is centered on mutual trust and benefit, equality, mutual consultation, respect for cultural and civilizational diversity, and the pursuit of common development, building a humanitarian community within the SCO framework.



China is actively exploring new forms of cultural cooperation to enhance the SCO’s international communication capabilities. For example, the country has established a media cooperation mechanism, held an SCO media summit, and organized a forum for media and think tanks from SCO member states.



China supports the expansion of non-governmental exchanges between SCO countries to bring their peoples, especially the youth, closer together. The country has launched relevant initiatives related to the SCO University, organized SCO youth camps, and invited youth leaders from other SCO countries to visit China.



Various initiatives are being implemented at China’s suggestion. SCO Secretary-General Nurlybek Shakimov noted that the «Shanghai Spirit» indicates the correct path for the coexistence of different countries and civilizations.



At the 23rd meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State, China announced that in the coming three years, it would offer 1,000 quotas for Chinese language teaching and 3,000 quotas for the «Chinese Language – A Bridge» summer camp, and host 100 young scientists from SCO countries for scientific exchange programs in China. In recent years, China has actively directed the SCO to launch more practical people-to-people diplomacy projects in various fields aimed at building a bridge of mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of SCO member states.



Cooperation in the field of healthcare within the SCO is constantly improving with a focus on people’s interests. China is vigorously promoting resource integration and expanding pragmatic cooperation among institutions. China’s proposed international vision-preservation missions «Express Health» and the creation of an SCO Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Industry Union have opened new prospects for healthcare and medical cooperation within the SCO.



After China announced at the 22nd meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State that it would provide free cataract surgeries for 2,000 patients from SCO countries over the next three years, there was an influx of patients at Uzbek hospitals seeking to restore their vision.



China has supported the restoration of historical monuments and archaeological work in SCO countries. The country participated in archaeological research at the site of an ancient city in Kazakhstan, as well as the restoration of Buddhist temples in the Krasnorechensk settlement in Kyrgyzstan and Ichon-Kala, a walled inner part of Khiva in Uzbekistan.



In 2014, a joint application by China, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan led to the recognition of the «Silk Road: The Network of Routes of the Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor» as a UNESCO World Heritage site. This was the first transboundary application for World Heritage listing, providing a strong impetus for joint protection of cultural heritage by SCO member states.



Technology is key to solving global problems, and open scientific and technological cooperation is a desirable approach. In recent years, SCO countries have increasingly deepened their non-governmental exchanges in the fields of science and technology. Through joint R&D, people-to-people diplomacy, technology transfer, and other activities, the states have created powerful drivers for scientific and technological progress, economic growth, improved quality of life, and overall development.



In Pakistan, the first intelligent sorting center jointly built by China and Pakistan has increased the sorting efficiency of local e-commerce companies’ packages by four times, and the error rate in sorting packages has decreased from 1% to less than 0.03%.



In Tajikistan, the first Lu Ban workshop in Central Asia has opened, offering courses in urban heating technology and engineering surveying according to the country’s needs for economic development and industrial modernization, thereby creating a talent pool for Tajikistan’s future development.



China’s FY-2 meteorological satellites cover SCO countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan. With weather forecasting, disaster prevention, and mitigation functions, these satellites have effectively enhanced the countries’ capabilities in weather, climate, and environmental monitoring.



Historically, the SCO has always been a shining example of people-to-people diplomacy. In the future, the organization will continue to set an example of regional and international cooperation in promoting harmonious coexistence between different civilizations and strengthening unbreakable friendship among peoples of all countries through further development of people-to-people diplomacy.



Source: Online Newspaper «People’s Daily».