
On the 40th anniversary of the launch of the “policy of reform and openness”, China is preparing to move to a qualitatively new stage of development. The recently held 1st session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the 13th convocation in China showed clearer outlines of further strengthening of the PRC in the new status of a global player.

For this purpose, many historical decisions were made at the 1st session of the NPC. At the same time, it is worth noting that taking into account the “Chinese dream” declared by President Xi Jinping a few years ago, conceptual preparation for many decisions of the congress has been going on for several years and this year they were formally fixed.

New approaches to political management

We are witnessing a new era of China’s historical development, and the issue of political leadership plays an important role in this process. A new generation of leaders is coming to power in China: Xi Jinping’s associates, who were elected to the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee in the fall of 2017, were handed the highest state posts. This will certainly affect the model of state management and future strategic decisions.

In this regard, a large package of amendments to the Constitution of the country was adopted at the 1st session of the NPC. The basic law includes Xi Jinping’s ideas about socialism with Chinese specifics in the new era. In fact, this is the legislative basis for the new China, in which the Communist Party of the country will play a major role. This indicates an attempt by the Chinese leadership to consolidate the Chinese people in a new way in a new era-both around one idea and around one leader.

Now, in thousands of publications around the world, the issues of lifting restrictions for the re-election of the first head of the country are discussed in different ways. China is experiencing a historic change in the country’s political traditions, dogmas and rules. But it seems that, first of all, this is an internal matter of China and only the Chinese themselves understand the special context of their state development. They are convinced that this step will allow defending the authority and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the core of which is Comrade Xi Jinping, and also contributes to strengthening and improving the system of public administration.

Let’s remember that one of the main messages of Xi Jinping’s report at the XIX CPC Congress in October 2017 was not only that China has reached a level where the economy cannot develop further without political and cultural reforms. The main message of the Chinese leader’s speech was that the national perspective should be “the transformation of China into a great power”.

And for this, China now needs new approaches to political governance. The lifting of the restriction for the re-election of the leader is probably the new formula that will allow the PRC to reach new frontiers of development. President Xi Jinping has already demonstrated his political and economic productivity during his first term of office, and it is expected that he will consolidate the success achieved in the coming years.

The re-election of Xi Jinping to the posts of President of the People’s Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People’s Republic of China speaks of the people’s trust in their leader. In addition, we can agree with the expert opinion that ” the tasks set by Xi Jinping when he took office as head of state in 2013 are too ambitious to solve them in two five-year terms.”

China has received a strong conceptual leader of the new format, who has his own plan and vision for the long-term development of China. After all, in fact, Xi Jinping announced the beginning of an entire era for the Chinese state and, according to his idea, should personally lay a solid foundation for this.

To this end, Xi Jinping has identified a new set of challenges and demands that the party and the state unite in overcoming them. The development agenda of the People’s Republic of China includes revolutionary reforms of the administration, the army, the national economy, reducing the internal debt and building an ecological civilization. This, according to Xi Jinping, cannot be done without iron discipline, the strengthening of which is the priority of the CPC for the coming years.

Transition to the stage of high-quality development

The huge path that the PRC has passed over 40 years of openness and reforms has been marked by considerable trials and achievements. Last year, China’s contribution to global economic growth reached more than 30%, and its share of GDP was about 15%. In 2017 The country’s GDP exceeded 82 trillion. yuan, which is 8 times higher than the GDP of the People’s Republic of China in 2000. These are impressive achievements that are currently the subject of numerous discussions and scientific research.

While the world is discussing the phenomenon of Chinese development, currently the Chinese economy is beginning to transition from the stage of high-speed development to the stage of high-quality development. And time will tell how much Xi Jinping’s strengthened political leadership will contribute to the country’s further economic growth.

All these new realities are a serious challenge for China itself, which, under the influence of dynamic changes, will rapidly change internally and externally. And the priorities of this development have already been announced.

At the first session of the NPC, it was noted that the country will continue the economic course of the previous five years. China will continue to deepen the “supply-side reform” (stimulating domestic demand, reducing the debt burden of state-owned enterprises, reducing excess production of coal, steel and cement) and stimulate investment (both the inflow of investment into the country and investment in foreign economies).

Long-term megaproject

China, which is preparing for a new status of a full-fledged global player, has already become an orbit of attraction for the political and economic interests of most countries in Europe and Asia. As the events of recent years show, the PRC is confidently establishing itself as a platform for major multilateral meetings and discussions.

In this context, the Chinese leadership emphasizes the importance of the “One Belt and One Road”project. It is positioned as “an important search for China in global economic management” and as a project that promotes the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030.Despite doubts expressed by foreign experts about the ultimate success of the project, it continues its effective development.

In September 2018, this initiative, which has passed only the first stage of formation, will be five years old – but there are already considerable achievements in its development. In an interview with Chinese media in February of this year, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, said that ” 5 years is a very short time, but today we can already say that it was a great idea.”

In general, if we analyze the changes in China after the first session of the National People’s Congress and, in particular, the decision to lift the term limit for the re – election of the country’s first leader, then for Kazakhstan and Central Asia as a whole, this is important from the position that the strategic initiative “One Belt and One Road” launched under Xi Jinping will continue its consistent development.

Taking into account the fact that only five years have passed in the implementation of this long-term megaproject, then 5 years of the second term of the board might not be enough to form its solid base. Taking into account the likely presence of President Xi Jinping at the head of the People’s Republic of China for a longer period, there are now more guarantees for the effective continuation of the dynamic construction of the modern Silk Road.

After all, the proximity and cooperation of Central Asia with China, one of the leading economies in the world, gives the region a qualitatively new positioning in the international coordinate system. This is also confirmed by the content of discussions at numerous international forums, conferences and seminars.

Under the influence of the implementation of the Chinese initiative “One Belt and One Road”, the land part of which repeatedly crosses our region, Kazakhstan and Central Asia finally got the opportunity to realize their natural geo-economic role as a continental bridge between the countries of the East and the West (exactly the international role that the region played two thousand years ago).


Number of shows: 1159