The cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the realm of supporting the rights of people with disabilities is actively advancing, particularly through international initiatives and multilateral platforms. Both countries have demonstrated their commitment to inclusivity and the protection of disability rights, aligning their efforts with international standards such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).


In Kazakhstan, the government focuses on improving the living standards and expanding the rights of over 700,000 citizens with disabilities. A significant focus is placed on enhancing access to education, healthcare, and employment. By signing and ratifying the UNCRPD in 2015, Kazakhstan made a major step towards building a more inclusive society. In collaboration with international organizations, such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Kazakhstan has initiated projects aimed at improving services for people with disabilities, including the establishment of modern rehabilitation centers and the development of digital platforms for social services.


China has also emphasized the protection of the rights of its citizens with disabilities through a broad spectrum of laws and policies. Over 90 regulatory frameworks have been developed in the country to support people with disabilities, enabling millions to escape poverty and gain access to education, healthcare, and employment. China actively advocates for international cooperation to further improve the living conditions of people with disabilities and has strengthened partnerships with countries like Kazakhstan.


Both countries also engage with international bodies such as the UN Human Rights Council and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), reinforcing their positions in the area of disability rights alongside other key issues. This cooperation demonstrates their commitment to creating inclusive societies where the needs of all citizens are prioritized.


This analysis will evaluate the current efforts of Kazakhstan and China in the area of disability integration and improvement, as well as assess the potential for further deepening bilateral cooperation in this field.





The situation concerning the rights of people with disabilities in Kazakhstan remains a priority of national policy. The country is home to more than 690,000 individuals with disabilities, comprising approximately 3.7% of the population, with 61.5% of them being of working age. The disability rate varies by region, with the highest rates observed in the Karaganda and Turkistan regions. Kazakhstan is actively implementing measures to improve the status of people with disabilities, including both national legislative initiatives and international commitments. The key reforms cover social protection, employment, education, the creation of an inclusive environment, and the protection of the rights of women with disabilities. These efforts are backed by a number of programs and initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and ensuring the legal protection of people with disabilities.


National Plan and Legislative Initiatives: A cornerstone of the reforms has been the development and implementation of the National Plan for Ensuring the Rights and Improving the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities through 2025. This plan is designed to eliminate barriers for people with disabilities, improve access to social and medical services, and ensure their rights in line with international standards. Key aspects of the plan include the creation of a barrier-free environment, inclusive education, and the integration of people with disabilities into public life. The ratification of the UNCRPD by Kazakhstan in 2015 was a foundational step in this direction. The convention is intended to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities. In 2015, amendments were also made to 24 legislative acts, laying the groundwork for the introduction of new disability rights standards.


Social Programs and Digitalization: A significant achievement has been the digitalization of social services, including the creation of a portal that allows people with disabilities to independently select rehabilitation aids such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, and prosthetics. This innovation has greatly simplified access to rehabilitation services, making them more convenient and efficient. In the field of employment, the government is implementing the “Enbek” program, aimed at supporting the employment of people with disabilities by teaching entrepreneurial skills and providing grants to start businesses. In 2023, over 13,000 people with disabilities were employed, and the government aims to increase this figure to 30% by 2025.


Inclusive Education and Accessible Environment: Kazakhstan is making significant efforts to improve access to education for children with disabilities. Early diagnosis and rehabilitation programs are being introduced to identify issues at an early stage and provide necessary support. In parallel, the government is preparing specialists who provide educational and social support for children with disabilities. Additionally, more than 6,000 NGOs in Kazakhstan are engaged in supporting socially vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities.


Gender Aspects and the Rights of Women with Disabilities: The rights of women with disabilities occupy an important place on the agenda. Lazzat Kaltayeva, currently a deputy of the Mazhilis, emphasizes cases of discrimination and violence against women and girls with disabilities. Despite the ratification of the UNCRPD, the term “woman with a disability” is still absent from some Kazakhstani laws, complicating the development of comprehensive measures to protect their rights. The state recognizes the importance of combating violence and discrimination against women with disabilities, but further work is required to improve the legal framework for their full protection.


Although Kazakhstan has achieved significant progress in the field of disability rights, unresolved issues remain. In particular, efforts need to continue to integrate a gender approach into social policy and to increase the availability of medical services, especially in the area of reproductive health for women with disabilities. The country demonstrates its commitment to building an inclusive society, but further efforts are needed across all sectors of life to fully realize the rights of people with disabilities.





The status of people with disabilities in China demonstrates substantial progress, thanks to active government measures to integrate this population group into society and improve their quality of life. In recent years, key focus areas have included legislative reforms, the improvement of the social protection system, employment programs, and the expansion of access to education.


Legislative Initiatives: The central element of the legal framework for protecting people with disabilities in China is the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities. This law guarantees equal rights and opportunities, providing people with disabilities access to employment, education, healthcare, and social benefits. Chinese authorities are actively working to create an accessible environment, including the construction of barrier-free public spaces and the development of mechanisms to support people with disabilities for their full participation in public life.


Social Protection: A key focus of China’s social policy is the fight against poverty among people with disabilities. Special attention is given to supporting low-income individuals with disabilities, particularly in rural areas where poverty remains a significant issue. Under the 14th Five-Year Plan, the government has set ambitious targets: employment for 1.808 million people with disabilities and an improvement in living standards for 710,000 impoverished individuals with disabilities. Programs are also aimed at improving medical services and the social assistance system, expanding access to essential rehabilitation and medical services. A critical element is the creation of an accessible environment, including the modernization of infrastructure and the adaptation of public spaces, transportation, and housing for people with disabilities.


Employment and Professional Skills: Under the Three-Year Plan for the Employment of People with Disabilities for 2022-2024, the Chinese government has implemented initiatives to promote the employment of people with disabilities. These measures include support for individuals with higher education, the development of professional skills, and the creation of jobs in specialized sectors such as blind massage. Enterprises are incentivized to employ people with disabilities through special programs, which also contribute to the professional growth of this population group.


Education and Inclusion: Access to quality education for people with disabilities is a priority of Chinese state policy. Programs are being developed to support students with disabilities at all stages of their education, from primary school to university. Individual education plans, specialized services, and vocational training programs help people with disabilities successfully complete their education and find employment, contributing to their integration into society and the labor market.


China thus demonstrates a systematic approach to improving the status of people with disabilities, combining legislative reforms, social protection, and educational programs to build an inclusive society.