On August 2, 2024, a seminar titled “Community of a Shared Future for Mankind – A Consensus of the International Community” was held in Astana. The event was organized by the China Studies Centre (Kazakhstan) in partnership with KazEvent and took place at Riviera International School by Quantum.


The Director of the China Studies Centre, Gulnar Shaymergenova, welcomed the participants and guests, including Mr. Li Ying, Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Kazakhstan, esteemed speakers, and seminar participants. In her opening remarks, the Director emphasized the importance of the discussed topic for the modern world and expressed gratitude to the Embassy of the PRC in Kazakhstan for its continuous support and partnership.


The Director highlighted the significance of global integration and cooperation in strengthening mutual understanding between countries. The concept of a community of a shared future for mankind, proposed by China, is gaining increasing relevance in the context of the modern international order. It is based on five principles of peaceful coexistence and promotes the establishment of a new type of international relations.


Kazakhstan shares this approach, supporting the ideas of equality, mutual respect, and mutually beneficial cooperation. Our country’s foreign policy aims to strengthen friendly ties and cooperation, contributing to sustainable development and peace,” emphasized Gulnar Ashenovna.


The Seminar noted that the current era of significant changes and challenges, such as pandemics, climate change, economic crises, and geopolitical conflicts, requires collective efforts and mutual assistance to achieve sustainable development and ensure peace and security.


Mr. Li Ying, Counselor of the Embassy of the PRC in Kazakhstan, delivered a welcoming speech in which he highly praised the bilateral cooperation between the countries. He noted that the content of the concept of building a community of a shared future for mankind is constantly enriched and expanded. In March 2013, President Xi Jinping first presented this concept, and in January 2017, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, he proposed the overall goal of “Five Worlds.” In December 2023, at the CPC Central Committee meeting on foreign policy work, it was emphasized that building a community of a shared future for mankind is the main concept of Xi Jinping’s diplomatic ideas, reflecting the noble goal of great-power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.


Mr. Li Ying also emphasized that the development of the theoretical system of the concept of building a community of a shared future for mankind is ongoing, contributing to strengthening international cooperation and mutual understanding. This concept, he said, aims to create a more just and harmonious world order that takes into account the interests of all countries and peoples. The Counselor noted that China and Kazakhstan continue to closely cooperate in various fields, contributing to the achievement of common goals and strengthening bilateral relations.


The Counselor’s speech received positive feedback from seminar participants, confirming the relevance and significance of the concept of building a community of a shared future for mankind. His words made an important contribution to the discussion on the future of international cooperation and strengthening global security.


Abdyrashid Ussenov, Chief Specialist of the Export Promotion Department of JSC “QazTrade Center for Trade Policy Development,” also delivered a welcoming speech at the Seminar. His participation was particularly significant as he provided detailed information about the company’s activities and its vital role in establishing business relations between Kazakh and Chinese businesses. In his presentation, Usenov emphasized that QazTrade is a key institution in developing Kazakhstan’s export potential, actively supporting and promoting domestic goods in international markets. The company provides comprehensive support to exporters, including consultations on international trade issues, external market analysis, and assistance in establishing business contacts abroad, including with China.


Ussenov also noted that one of QazTrade’s main tasks is to improve export conditions, including eliminating trade barriers, improving logistics and transport infrastructure, and developing strategies to promote Kazakh products in foreign markets. The company actively participates in international trade exhibitions and forums, representing Kazakh products and strengthening trade ties with partners worldwide. His speech underscored the importance of QazTrade in integrating Kazakhstan’s economy into global trade processes and confirmed the significance of international cooperation for the country’s sustainable development.


Many experts, including representatives from Kazakhstan’s higher educational institutions, participated in the seminar. Of particular interest was the speech by Gulmira Bazarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Law and Ethics at Astana Medical University. Her report on “Cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in the Field of Education and Healthcare” was highly relevant and significant in the context of strengthening bilateral relations between strategic neighbors.


The speaker emphasized the importance of international cooperation in medicine and law, especially in the face of global challenges such as pandemics and environmental disasters. She focused on the necessity of developing a common approach to solving global problems facing humanity. The speaker noted that only through consensus and joint efforts can sustainable development be achieved and global security ensured, making cooperation between Kazakhstan and China particularly important.


The Seminar also actively involved representatives of the country’s analytical and research centers, enriching the discussion and expanding the scope of the topics discussed. One of the key speeches was by Askar Kyssykov, Director of the TALAP Center for Applied Research. In his report, he provided a comprehensive overview of the prospects for economic cooperation between China and Kazakhstan, addressing key areas and strategic opportunities for both countries.


Kyssykov emphasized that strengthening economic ties with China is crucial for Kazakhstan’s sustainable development. He highlighted several priority areas of cooperation, such as energy, transport infrastructure, and the digital economy. Special attention was given to projects under the “Belt and Road” initiative, which can significantly enhance connectivity and create new business and investment opportunities. The speaker noted that joint projects in these areas will contribute not only to economic growth but also to strengthening political and cultural ties between the countries.


Moreover, the speaker touched upon the importance of creating favorable conditions for investors and establishing a sustainable business environment. He pointed out the need for developing joint programs and initiatives aimed at attracting investments and developing innovative technologies. Concluding new agreements and deepening cooperation under existing ones, according to Kyssykov, will open new horizons for mutually beneficial partnership and realize the significant potential of economic cooperation between China and Kazakhstan. The speaker’s address sparked lively interest and active discussion among seminar participants, confirming the importance and relevance of the raised issues.


Partners of the China Studies Centre also participated in the seminar, playing a crucial role in organizing the event. A notable speech was delivered by Aigerim Akpambetova, Head of the Commercial Department of Riviera International School by Quantum. In her speech, she emphasized the readiness for active cooperation in the educational sector with Chinese colleagues.


Akpambetova noted that the school is open to establishing business relationships with Chinese universities, which will contribute to developing educational programs and improving student preparation. She emphasized that the international school educates children of various nationalities, with some students receiving Chinese language courses as part of their curriculum. Such cooperation, she said, will bring significant benefits to both students and educational institutions in both countries.


In her report, the Representative of the international school also expressed confidence that developing partnerships with Chinese universities would strengthen cultural and academic ties between Kazakhstan and China. This will contribute to creating a more integrated and multinational educational environment, improving education quality, and preparing students for successful careers in a global context. Her speech underscored the importance of international cooperation in education and received positive feedback from seminar participants.


The final speaker of the seminar series was Anara Sergeevna Sharipova, a Chinese language simultaneous interpreter and a graduate of Renmin University of China and Fudan University. Her professional activity plays a key role in ensuring accurate and effective high-level communication during negotiations. Her high skill and deep language knowledge facilitate mutual understanding between parties, contributing to successful international cooperation.


Anara Sergeevna has frequently served as a speaker and simultaneous interpreter at international conferences and forums of various levels. Her speeches are always characterized by deep analysis and inspiring, heartfelt delivery. In her report, she emphasized the importance of simultaneous interpreters in building bridges between different cultures and nations. Anara Sergeevna noted that the success of international relations and mutual understanding during important negotiations depend on the accuracy of translations.


Notable figures in Oriental studies, scholars specializing in international relations, and researchers of China were also present. Their presence not only highlighted the importance of the discussed topics but also ensured a high level of professionalism in the discussions. The expert opinions and in-depth analytical approaches of the participants allowed for a comprehensive examination of global cooperation and integration issues, contributing to the successful conduct of the event and achieving its goals.


The Seminar hosts expressed sincere gratitude to all partners and participants for their active participation and contributions to the discussions, hoping that the results of the event would help strengthen international cooperation and promote the concept of a shared future for mankind.


The China Studies Centre intends to continue its efforts to strengthen international ties and promote ideas of sustainable development and harmonious coexistence among countries and peoples.