The 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has become a unique occasion to reflect on the country’s trajectory and current position on the global stage. Media coverage of the event has varied, emphasizing both the achievements and challenges China faces. This analysis examines media representations of the anniversary celebrations, focusing on economic opportunities and challenges, geopolitical tensions, leadership narratives, and domestic governance. By examining these aspects, we gain insight into how the media interprets China’s progress and the strategic directions emphasized by its leadership.


A Modest Celebration: A Reflection of Current Reality


Unlike previous major anniversaries marked by grand military parades and large-scale celebrations, the 75th anniversary was notably low-key. Both Chinese and Western media reported that celebrations were limited to a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, accompanied by flower arrangements and national flags [1;2;3]. This break from tradition was presented as a reflection of China’s current economic and geopolitical challenges. The modesty of the celebration was seen as an acknowledgement of the need for economy and a focus on pressing domestic issues [4].


The media highlighted that the low-key nature of the events may be consistent with the government’s efforts to project a responsible image amid the financial difficulties many citizens are facing. By avoiding excessive displays, the leadership signaled a commitment to addressing economic problems and prioritising stability [5].


Economic challenges and opportunities




Western media have covered the economic difficulties facing China in detail, highlighting the protracted downturn in the real estate sector. The real estate downturn has now lasted three years, significantly impacting the economy [6]. Media outlets have noted that this downturn has resulted in significant wealth losses for Chinese households, estimated at around $18 trillion. This loss amounts to around $60,000 for a family of three, which is nearly five times the country’s per capita gross domestic product [7].


The effects of the housing downturn are spreading across a variety of sectors, including construction and appliance sales [8]. Structural problems such as an oversupply of unoccupied apartments and a declining population are creating additional difficulties. Economists have expressed skepticism about the supposed causes of these trends, pointing out that the problems may be related to a crisis of confidence rather than the availability of credit [6].




Despite these challenges, the media also highlighted opportunities in China’s economic landscape. The Chinese government has implemented several initiatives to stimulate the economy and address the downturn in the real estate sector ahead of its 75th anniversary, signaling a commitment to long-term economic stability [9;10]. These initiatives have been reported in both Chinese and international media. As reported by The New York Times to revive the housing market. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) cut mortgage rates by 0.5 percentage points, bringing the average interest rate on existing home loans to about 3.55% [11]. In addition, the PBOC relaxed lending requirements for local banks, allowing them to provide more loans if needed to support economic activity [11].


In an effort to make home buying more affordable, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial mortgages to individuals has been reduced to at least 15% for both first and second home purchases, China News reports. Daily » [9]. CNBC and Shine noted that cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen have further adapted these measures, setting down payment requirements for first-home purchases at 15%, and for second homes at 25% and 20%, respectively [12;13]. The city of Guangzhou lifted all home purchase restrictions from October 1, 2024, demonstrating a significant policy shift aimed at reviving the property market [13].


Chinese international media highlighted China’s significant economic achievements ahead of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. China Daily praised China’s transformation from a poor and backward country to the world’s second-largest economy, noting the achievement of moderate prosperity and the eradication of absolute poverty. [14] The publication also highlighted China’s modernization efforts, including the green and peaceful development initiatives and the Belt and Road Initiative, which promote overall modernization at the global level.[14]


An article by Xinhua on the State Council website focused on China’s rapid economic growth and long-term social stability, presenting these factors as paving a new path for humanity to modernize.[15] In addition, Sixth Tone reported on recent policy easing in China’s real estate market, including lower mortgage rates and lower down payments, which are expected to boost market confidence and strengthen the housing sector.[16] Together, these media narratives present a positive outlook on China’s domestic economic situation, emphasizing its achievements, resilience, and commitment to sustainable growth.


Security threats and geopolitical tensions


Media reports in publications such as Nikkei Asia » and « South China Morning Post coverage highlighted growing tensions between China and its neighbors, including Japan, South Korea, [17] and the Philippines [18] These tensions primarily revolve around territorial disputes in the South China Sea and alliances with the United States.[19] The coverage highlighted how these tensions contribute to regional instability and complicate China’s international relations.


Xinhua also discussed China’s position as a supporter of globalization, contrasting it with the perception of the country as an opponent of the Western world order [20]. Additionally, Global The Times noted that China’s influence on the world has never been as profound or as enduring as it is today. [21] By highlighting these dynamics, the reports highlighted the complexities of China’s geopolitical strategy and its efforts to balance national interests with global involvement.


Xi Jinping’s Speech: Emphasis on Vigilance, Unity


President Xi Jinping’s speech at the anniversary became the centrepiece of media coverage. His speech was presented as cautious and forward-looking, highlighting the risks and challenges ahead. Xi called for heightened vigilance and close cooperation between the Communist Party, the military, and various ethnic groups. He reiterated that “no difficulties can stop the Chinese people from moving forward,” reinforcing the message of resilience and collective effort [2;5;22].


Media coverage highlighted Xi’s emphasis on national unity and the importance of maintaining social stability. By focusing on these themes, coverage reflected the leadership’s priorities in strengthening cohesion and addressing domestic issues.



International Relations and the Taiwan Question


The media devoted considerable attention to China’s relations with the United States, especially in the context of Taiwan. Xi Jinping’s speech reiterated Beijing’s position on unification with Taiwan, presenting it as an inevitable historical process [23;24]. He expressed “resolute opposition” to any “separatist” actions by Taiwan and called for stronger economic and cultural cooperation between the two sides.


« Anadolu Ajensi » highlighted China’s position on the tensions arising from the US arms sales to support Taiwan’s defense [25]. This dynamic was presented as a critical factor affecting Sino-US relations and regional stability. The media emphasized the sensitivity of the Taiwan issue and its importance in China’s foreign policy agenda.


Differences in media coverage in Germany, France, Russia and Kazakhstan


Coverage of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the media spaces of various countries demonstrated a variety of approaches and emphases, reflecting the national interests and prospects of each country.


In the German media, particular attention was paid to the low-key celebrations, which were described as relatively modest due to China’s ongoing economic problems and growing geopolitical challenges.[26] Economic difficulties, such as the housing crisis and the difficulty of achieving pre-crisis growth rates, were an important topic of discussion.[27] In addition, issues were raised about growing tensions with neighboring countries such as Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, due to territorial disputes and close ties with the United States.[26] Special cultural events were held in Berlin, organized jointly by Chinese and German organizations, highlighting the cultural exchange between the countries.[28] Improved diplomatic relations between Germany and China were also noted, especially following Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Beijing.[29] Some articles emphasized the historical significance of the founding of the PRC and the role of East Germany in establishing early diplomatic ties with China .[30]


The French media also highlighted several key aspects of the PRC anniversary. The celebrations were described as moderate, including a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square, but without large military parades. [31] Like the German media, the French media focused on China’s economic difficulties, such as the real estate crisis and slowing economic growth. [32] Growing geopolitical tensions with neighbouring countries and the United States, as well as territorial disputes, were discussed.


Russian media presented the PRC anniversary through the prism of historical, economic and diplomatic aspects. The historical importance of the founding of the PRC and the role of the USSR as the first state to recognize China and establish diplomatic relations were emphasized [33]. China’s impressive economic growth over 75 years, its status as the world’s second-largest economy and the country’s ability to develop despite current challenges were noted [34]. Various cultural events were held in Russia, including concerts and exhibitions demonstrating cultural exchanges between Russia and China [35]. Emphasis was placed on strengthening Russian-Chinese relations, including congratulatory messages and joint initiatives [36]. Traditional Chinese celebrations, such as fireworks and laser show on Tiananmen Square, were also described.


Kazakhstani media actively covered the PRC anniversary, emphasizing the importance of bilateral relations. Official receptions and ceremonies were held in Kazakhstan, organized by the Chinese consulate and local authorities, with the participation of diplomats and businessmen [37]. The strength of Kazakh-Chinese relations and strategic partnership were noted [38]. The importance of China as Kazakhstan’s largest trading partner and an important source of investment was emphasized [39]. Cultural events and educational initiatives aimed at strengthening mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries were also described [40].


Thus, the coverage of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC in different national media spaces reflected unique national interests and perspectives. German and French media focused on economic and geopolitical aspects, Russian media on historical and diplomatic ties, and Kazakh media on bilateral cooperation and cultural exchanges. This diversity of approaches underscores the multifaceted international perception of China and its place in global politics and economics.




Media coverage of the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China provides a multifaceted view of China’s current position and future trajectory. Low-key celebrations symbolized the country’s focus on addressing economic challenges and implementing Communist Party policies in a complex geopolitical landscape. Through President Xi Jinping’s speech and themes highlighted in the media, the leadership conveyed a message of resilience, unity, and cautious optimism.


In media coverage, economic challenges, particularly the housing downturn and its wider impact, were central to the economic challenges. However, opportunities for growth through policy initiatives and investment in innovation were also recognised. The balanced presentation of these aspects in the media reflects an understanding of the complexities involved in managing the country’s economy.


Geopolitical tensions and security threats were addressed, highlighting the complexities of China’s international relations. The emphasis on resolving the Taiwan issue and managing regional disputes underscores the strategic priorities of the Chinese leadership.


Thus, the media coverage of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China reflects the diversity of national interests and priorities of different countries. German and French media focused on economic difficulties and geopolitical tensions, Russian sources emphasized historical and diplomatic ties, and Kazakh media emphasized the importance of bilateral cooperation and cultural exchanges. This diversity of approaches underscores the complexity and multifaceted nature of international perceptions of China, as well as its important role in global politics and economics. By analysing different media narratives, one can better understand the current challenges and strategic directions of China’s development on the global stage.




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Center for China Studies